Friday, June 10, 2011

Batatazhino - 26 weeks

Micah my "Batatazhino" or "Little Potato"
I am 26 weeks, Micah is the size of a large eggplant.
He kicks all the time and has the cutest little hiccups, which I read, can be soothing to him.
Dad talks to him all the time, and gives both of us lots of kisses morning and night.
I got a boppy body pillow which is finally allowing me some good sleep!
I feel good, family is good, busy, but balanced and I even get to squeeze capoeira in, here and there. Which truly makes me happy:)
Big Sis Teihani, has spent time organizing Micah's clothes and helping get things ready. She talks to him sometimes and the other day her head was close to my belly and he kicked her, she was sleeping so she didn't know:)

Daddy has been painting Mica's bedroom shelf and he picked up my glider. Baby's room slowly coming along.

Life is soo full and plentiful and full of so much love and joy sometimes it's too much to embrace.

Life is beautiful.
I can't wait to hold Micah's little hand for the first time while he looks up at me with his Fathers gorgeous eyes:)

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